Damage of missile attacks is reduced by this amount. Damage of physical (non-magical) attacks is reduced by this amount. Vanguard Deployment: This unit can deploy outside the deployment zone.Units within range of both the Lord's aura and an encouraging unit will receive the larger of the two bonuses. Encourage: This unit provides a leadership bonus to nearby allies.Can Cause Fear: This unit frightens all enemy units, reducing their leadership when nearby.

Siege Attacker: This unit can attack gates or walls, allowing you to instantly launch a siege battle without having to wait for siege towers or battering rams to be built.There's also two new lord types, with the Strigoi Ghoul King joining the Vampire Counts, and warrior priests Arch Lector joining the Empire.' Both the Empire and Vampire Counts unit rosters are being expanded with two brand new units each,' Sega said, further detailing the new additions.' The Knights of the Blazing Sun, the zealous Flagellants and versatile Free Company Militia join the ranks of the Empire, while the vampire counts will see their undead hordes imbued with dark magic by the gruesome Corpse Cart and volatile Mortis Engine.' The rosters of both factions are also further expanded by the addition of Regiments of Renown, unique unit variants with special traits and abilities, whose prowess in battle have immortalized them in the annals of the Old World.' An update that will launch alongside The Grim & The Grave will introduce 'a number of unique new battle maps and Vlad von Carstein as a free legendary lord for all players. Sega has released a new trailer for showing off the new content being added as part of the Grim & The Grave DLC pack.Among the additions are Volkmar the Grim and Helman Ghorst, two 'Legendary Lords' that fight for the light and the shadows.