If you require more resolution than that, you should consider purchasing Gold+ charts which a zoom range of up to 1/8 nm (4 times the resolution of Silver) By zooming in to this level or closer, you will not receive any higher resolution charts or new information - simply an exploded view of the previous zoom. This tells the user that they are zoomed in beyond the capability of the Silver chart (1/2 nm).

Why is the "Kingston" chart covered with small dots? The dots indicate "overzoom". <- Screenshots of Silver Charts: (You may click each for a larger zoom. Gold+ Charts (Available worldwide) are also marine charts and are available in XL9-size regions (and S-size in some areas) and provide best zoom range of up to 1/8NM, include enhanced port service information with phone numbers, major coastal roads, wrecks, and free (with purchase and mail-in coupon for US waters) high-definition fishing detail for locating offshore drop-offs, ledges and reefs for serious fishing. Silver Charts provide best zoom range of up to 1/2NM and depth contours of up to 150' feet or less Silver Charts do not provide port information. What is the difference between Silver and Gold Charts?Ī: Navionics Silver Charts (Only available in US & Canada) are entry-level marine charts covering the entire continental US, Great Lakes and Bahamas or, entire coastal Canada and Great Lakes all on a single preprogrammed cartridge.